Whoa. Things no one ever tells you: Writing regularly takes some dedication. I look back at my first post with my (well meant) promises of writing regularly and I think, what fool wrote that. Things got busy, which is good as it means I'm getting paid, but it became a whole different ball game trying to figure out how to balance all-the-things-I-picked-up when-I-had-more-time with a busy work schedule. So while I've been trying to reach a new equilibrium in which work is put in it's place (and I know which place that is), Tennis at Ryde lawn tennis and croquet club - http://rydelawn.co.uk/ - has fallen by the wayside. Ironically, it appears I'll be able to get back to it in time for the weather to get rubbish. My radio show at the St. Mary's Hospital radio station (www.sunshineradioiow.com, past episodes can be found here) also suffered, and my weekly habit of going to the cinema then going on a community radio station www.vectisradio.com, to spout off about what I saw became non existent. But finally, I am wrestling this beast of work, figuring out how I can get paid AND have it all and remembering that I had things like a blog to look after and a husband of the year award to contend for. And ... working on some things, the end result of which I'm rather pleased with. Here's one for anyone out there who has found nothing else on the entire Internet to distract them. I'm touched and humbled, really I am. The Retro Room Photoshoot from TAJAYI Media on Vimeo. This was a pretty fun vintage shoot where I got to be the only guy present and have one of those educational moments where you see all the steps women go through to look good, but still can't tell for the life of you why it took so long. As it was a photoshoot, I let the photographer (www.pippabrown.co.uk, the shots at the end of the video are hers) take the lead and essentially contorted myself around her. My favourite moment had to be when I was stood on an old rusty chair outside of a bathroom window trying to get a shot of a lady in the bath tub ... yeah, that sounds wrong ... and the rusty chair did what they do and gave way beneath me. Surprisingly, that shot didn't make it into the video.
Great day with a crazy bunch of entrepreneurial women and from starting off wondering what I got myself into, ended up sad I couldn't hang around longer. Was great to meet other local businesses (which I guess is what I am now) and although they're all listed in the video I'll do so again here for those who can't be bothered to click. Designer (I guess) Ohsovintage.net Photography: Pippa http://www.pippabrown.co.uk/ Hair Charlotte http://www.scottshair.co.uk/VintageHair.html Make up Jo from http://isleofwightmakeupandfacepaint.co.uk (LONGEST WEB ADDRESS EVER!!!) Seamstress Karen from http://www.dornellie.com/ (She's good, She's CRAZY!!) Location The Scout Hall http://www.vintagevacations.co.uk Here's hoping it's not another 7 months before I remember I've got a blog, amongst other things.
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Tosin Ajayi
Video Content Producer for SMEs, talking about business, video and the like. Archives
June 2020