So since January this year (2014) I have started touting my self as a "video producer". Something I have essentially been doing for the past 5 years (with increasing levels of competence) and now find myself in the perfect opportunity to start as a business.
I've recently moved to the Isle of Wight, following my recently acquired wife who obeying the all powerful order of the NHS, has gone where they've told her. I gave up my job as a Campus minister in London and made a move that prompts a lot of people to say "oooo, that's a bit of a change" to which my stock reply is "yes, but a welcome change". More of that as we go along. But being here has given me some opportunities I might not have otherwise had such as the radio interview above. Went rather well, they invited me back for a film phone in. I'll be chronicling what I get up to on these pages as time goes on and showing examples of projects that I'm working on. I'll also be rambling on about insights I've gained from going through the aforementioned "bit of a change". Hope to see you in a later post.
25/4/2014 04:51:06 pm
Hi Tosin,
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Tosin Ajayi
Video Content Producer for SMEs, talking about business, video and the like. Archives
June 2020